Trade Books for Free @
Found a way to save money on all of your books!
Children’s Books
Disney Books
Manga Books
you name it!
@ you post all of the books you want to get rid of and trade them for new ones. You only pay for shipping, around $2.00! Not bad for a $20.00-$30.00 O’reilly book 🙂 IF you post 10 books you’ll get 2 free! They have a huge selection… over 3 million available for request. I think selection is just one of the things that makes them better than the others.
They also have this feature called Box-O-Books. It essentially allows you to save even more because you agree to swap books by the box! Everything is shipped media mail so it’s crazy cheap. Now you’re talking like 10 books for $5.00. Anyways, I think this could be awesome for schools/teachers. They could just ship the 50 or so copies of the book they’re reading for whatever is next in the curriculum.
How do they make money?
Small convenience fees on printable shipping. Upgraded member services such as Box-O-Books and a Book Journal service. They’ve also started up two sister sites- &
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